Comparative study of adhesives used in textile support reinforcements

Comparative study of adhesives used in textile support reinforcements

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3 549 Р
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The study focuses on the conservation strip-lining treatment of a contemporary poly(vinyl acetate) painting which artistic composition leads conservators to question the suitability of traditional criteria. Minimum intervention, innocuousity, reversibility, compatibility, stability and adhesion parameters are focused. A physical and mechanical comparative study of thermoplastic adhesives (Beva Film) and tack-melt adhesives (Lineco, Vinavil 59, Plextol B500) was developed. Chemical and mechanical characterization of the prepared adhesives and test specimens, before and after T(?C)/HR(%) artificially ageing and SO2 polluted atmosphere has been done. Different techniques of analysis were applied: Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR-ATR), Pyrolysis coupled with Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), pH measurements, drying characterization, evaluation of hardness, Tensile Tester copulated with Optical Microscopy (TTOM), resistance to traction, tangential force and peeling,...
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